• This is a question we are asked a lot. How can it be fake when there are so many videos about it? What really is “The Manor”


  • If you were offered $20k if you could endure 8 hours of physical and mental torture would you?


  • Discover what Russ's idea of personalized horror is.

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Slide down the rabbit hole of McKamey Manor with us. As we pull back the curtain and expose the truth.

Below in a list of common terms used when talking about McKamey Manor.

The current participant attending a tour.

 low Information Crowd, this is what Russ and his supporters refer to as anyone that does not support Russ or The Manor. 

This is the term Russ calls anyone that speaks out against The Manor. Commonly this is someone who attended a Tour and had a negative experience.

This is what the McKamey Manor experience is called when a person attends.

These are said to be a completable goal but usually at the extent of having to endure something unpleasant.

Activities and games held in the front yard. This was to wear out contestants before the actual Tour began. It also would weed out any likely LIC’s or Haters that showed up to expose The Manor.

These are said to be obstacles that usually lead to The clock starting.

This is no different than any other stunts, except this is when you no longer have fail cards available. If failed and The Bounty is on the table and you fail the money is removed from the tour.

These are offered when a bounty is on the table. These are imaginary cards you can use to skip a task or stunt. These are obtained by completing humiliation challenges leading up to your tour date. 

If you have watched any old San Diego tours you may have heard phrases like “you didn’t even do anything” or “you only lasted a few minutes” when in actuality it has been hours. Though they reference time they are not relevant to what we refer to when talking about The clock. Mainly in the Tennessee Manor The clock is what starts your “actual” tour. The goal of any of the Tennessee tours is to start a clock and last a specific amount of hours agreed upon from that point forward. That is how you complete The Manor and win The Bounty if that is on the table. 

 Prize money used to entice people to sign up for MM. The Bounty is not always offered and the amount varies depending on the era of The Manor timeline. Bounties offered in the past range from $1k-$20k.

This is a word, phrase or action used to revoke consent and end your tour. Whether or not that happens is another story. 

A style of Tour created for former Moderator Dan Trulove. This tour promises those that make a video begging for a Daniella Tour, a chance to show up in TN and skip Boot Camp.